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اشهدو انا لا اله الي الله 😢😢😢 الله يرحمكم
Комментарий от : @BahiLbatni

Jebo vam pas mater svima stoko lažljiva sotonska.
Комментарий от : @JosipM333

One of the most chilling reports of the horrors of Covid-19. Stuart Ramsay did a great job with this.
Комментарий от : @mduduzigama5534

wow we need respirators maybe we can fish the thousand thrown into the ocean
Комментарий от : @REDPILLNATION420

more fake actors. just in time for the winter strange this didnt bercome a problem until flu season is here how odd seems like i dunno a lie
Комментарий от : @REDPILLNATION420

It's a plague.
Комментарий от : @niaelbryant2336

One cannot deny the Virus. Why are people so ignorant?
Комментарий от : @bupe007

Комментарий от : @truthislife8947

9 out of 10 interbated die.
They knew this over a year ago.
But they are still doing it.

Комментарий от : @quantumsneak1773

Got my tears down
Комментарий от : @rolwones490

Bill Gates is such a great busines man. He leaft microsoft and switched to vaccines. Then out of a sudden we got a pandemic that's not even deadly..... but life cannot go on without being vaccinated.. Awesome business man Bill Gates is. LOL!
Комментарий от : @robertwhite

Stop lying, the NHS is the disaster.
Комментарий от : @andredeketeleastutecomplex

Party people don't see these sacrifices
Комментарий от : @shutthedoor2052

Lies, lies and more lies. I work in the medical field. I am an LPN and there is no such thing as c19. There are 7 Corona viruses though. People don't even know that the flu and pneumonia are types of Corona.
Комментарий от : @tiffanycolon-hermidas3204

Gesù verrà presto. la Bibbia dice che per essere salvato devi confessare con la tua bocca che Gesù è il Signore e credere nel tuo cuore che è morto sulla croce perché i tuoi peccati furono sepolti e 3 giorni dopo risuscitò. dì ad alta voce Signore Gesù, sono un peccatore che ha bisogno di un salvatore. Credo che sei morto sulla croce per i miei peccati, sei stato sepolto e risorto il terzo giorno. mi arrendo a te e ti rendo il mio Signore e Salvatore.
Комментарий от : @Lisaairbnb

They had only 5k ICU beds in a country of 48 millions.
Комментарий от : @bigbaba1111

God heal the world 😭😭😭
Комментарий от : @graceokenwa6503

Комментарий от : @jrketcham

All People In Hospital Cannot Live Longer, It’s Life Over
Комментарий от : @e205536

These world leaders still do not get it on how to stop this madness! All world leaders governments should ban only all international leisure travel for at least the next 4 weeks. This is how the Covid-19 virus originally got transported across the world. Sorry tourism industry! This will allow all other industries and businesses to possibly run normally if this is done today. It is not too late to do this, restrict all international leisure travel today for at least 4 weeks and we will all witness has fast this Covid-19 virus will stop spreading across the world. JUST DO IT!
Комментарий от : @oznescatt8584

It sickens me to see our frontline workers working through stress, exhaustion and struggling to keep patients alive from covid and the people out partying and not adhere to the health guidelines. Absolute selfishness, lack of respect and thanks to the nurses and doctors who are risking their lives from this deadly virus.
Комментарий от : @alanfoley5751

Ooooooooooohhhhhh. Myyy God!!!!!!!!!!! How fake how acting will watch more!!!!!!he start the camera in the coffins hahahahahahah how fake!!! If need actor or doctor actor i can do i can even start cry and make angry scenes.. Also i can remember my words and don't need to look on camera every 15 seconds.
Комментарий от : @hh8120

Kindly contact these DR MERCY OSEIGBA FOR HERBAL MEDICATION, such as, genital herpes, diabetes, cancer, infection and any virus E.T.C..via mail. drharrymercy@gmail.com. +2348141659546. Because he helped my grand mum to cure her long time cancer problem
Комментарий от : @killingbook273

It's so sad 😭😭😭
Комментарий от : @Fancy-frog.11811

And it's one, two, three,
What are we livin for?
Don't ask me, I don't give a damn,
Next stop is the ICU;
And it's five, six, seven,
Open up the pearly gates,
Well there ain't no time to wonder why,
Whoopee! we're all gonna die.

Комментарий от : @denny5564

Fake dummy on 0:54. This is a filmset people, with actors playing patients.
Комментарий от : @davidyoung9392

hahahaahah.. fake pandemic
Комментарий от : @kazikkolasa8782

America no longer exists this country is lost its own citizens destroyed it by voting for its silly president
Комментарий от : @wilberthrosas5803

Its a scamdemic
Комментарий от : @andyhague6050

Please, where is the full video?
stay safe🙏

Комментарий от : @hanalama

This is like a biochem war 💔
Комментарий от : @lilbich6576

very brave journalist, and did a good job, warning others
Комментарий от : @AliYusuf1

All lab [ around the world]should be lock down forever who research with dangerous virus for safe the world and now!!
Комментарий от : @moziburrahman2980

The catastrophe of this time was that human beings focused too much on the economy and ignored the epidemic.
Комментарий от : @anthony4973

Now the medical staff is the greatest!
Комментарий от : @anthony4973

Reading the comments and realize how it's better here in PH, only a handful of people are roaming around the streets and most are stuck inside their homes.
Комментарий от : @onlynice9567

Your not supposed to take cameras in there
HIPAA laws and privacy.. I worked in the hospital

Комментарий от : @christianscott3983

Комментарий от : @danielotubaggio6692

No mention of Hydroxycloroquin/AZITHROMYCIN.
Комментарий от : @MrQbenDanny

Aspitin+c corona is death !!!
Комментарий от : @MrYugos75

Omg seeing those sick people dying is terrible :( May God take care of all the patients and doctors nurses and staff at that hospital
Комментарий от : @Kajp-se9eq

5 G is killing us
Комментарий от : @ann7856

May all those patients recover.all those who have passed away may they R.I.P 🌹🌹🌹
Комментарий от : @stephboond2400

😪😪😪😪😪😪😪😪 heart breaking
Комментарий от : @kamauwilliamk

The patients look unhealthy even before the corona. This counts.
Комментарий от : @williamr.lacerda8848

Why no cure... why not try also the med for malaria. Just try as it is the most available worldwide. As south korea re studying all kind of medicine available. I was shock with the reaction of doctors in usa against the use of med for malaria. Rather than keep watching people dying in their hands why not try to treat them the treatment available?
Комментарий от : @KpopGelfyMichinsarang

China has screwed the world economy, killed people and brought the world to a standstill. They should be made to pay.
Комментарий от : @sarangmehta999

May the blood of Jesus intervene..just call him
Комментарий от : @kkdamah8573

What a lIfe!!!
Комментарий от : @CHIZZYANITV1

Cud it be they using same ventilators on another patient who already died ? How do they disinfect ventilators for next use? As its impossible to disinfect the tubes inside , machine inside
Комментарий от : @sonicwoofer2008

Комментарий от : @dewainashephard9736

Искате да ходите по манастири. Добре. Празник е.
А, дали е възможно да изгледате това видео ?
В манастира ще имате възможност да чуете красиво песнопение, а после ...
Ох, дано така да е само в онези страни, с изгнил капитализъм. Нашият социален строй е велик тук не може да има толкова загинали от грип, който не се вижда.
Да живее Републиката!

Комментарий от : @TheYosifov

🙏 Forgive us God amen.
Комментарий от : @temanahom265

الله يشفي المرضى انها حقا كارثة
Комментарий от : @SamikadiSami

Staged. LOCKDOWN is the key NWO IN PLACE.
Комментарий от : @naijakehinde9117

Hope wins Wars.
Комментарий от : @stephendove1075

i really feel sad for the Italian people who got sick with the Virus and their Families , i hope we all skip this bad Moment if we work together facing this virus instead of some countries stealing others's stuff
Комментарий от : @simoslh2613

Sending our love and support from the UK
Комментарий от : @bettylanary817

How terribly sad😢
Комментарий от : @anniejones5204

Hi I am from south africa people here just take this for a joke they're just carless they rather fight over bull dust then rather to stay save . Just unbelievable . My heart goes out for all the other countries especially italy . And doctors.
Комментарий от : @jessicahattingh1140

Комментарий от : @tylkoprawdanaswyzwoli9918

Комментарий от : @tylkoprawdanaswyzwoli9918

SKY NEWS they are liars, people please don't believe this virus and all the news in meinstreem media

Комментарий от : @tylkoprawdanaswyzwoli9918

“Everyone dies alone” that got me! 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
Комментарий от : @LethoHali

That way we should be seriously
Комментарий от : @Mukomaad-nabi-pheodopilia

This is a disaster
Комментарий от : @mohamedrafrafi5486

All heros
Комментарий от : @justthetruth2662

Hungary and East Europe took it so seriously and it seems that lock downs and other things stopped and slowed the spread of the virus. Everywhere else should to take our steps. And please stay at home and wash your hands regularly!
Комментарий от : @user-tp3do7xs4z

Lets come together as one people to defeat Covid-19 and prevent the next pandemic. A tiny fraction of global GDP could have prevented Covid-19. As humans we must have our priorities straight otherwise we will loose again.
Комментарий от : @ibenzawla

Covid 19 its biological attack against the population .Genocide 100% .😭😭😭😭
Комментарий от : @alexanderdrago9852

Heartbreaking! :'(
Комментарий от : @Smallcherokeegirl08

"everyone dies alone" man that hit me hard 🙁may those who have lost someone find peace in dealing with the loss
Комментарий от : @petero2024

Wt china has done to the world. China should be sued, boycotted from the world map and each country should boycott any business with them!!
Комментарий от : @sujatadas4962

One is born alone, dies alone..... that's the best way. That's why too much social nonsense is a useless thing
Комментарий от : @truthobserver7792

Комментарий от : @danilomasone4319

Комментарий от : @jelenaorevski1673

i am so so sorry, this is truly heartbreaking & unbelievable. my condolences to those who have lost a family member. i can’t even think straight , so much has happened so quickly!
Комментарий от : @llilmaz

Комментарий от : @nuriyyecavadova5166

Even the Doctor can't describe how tragic this COVID 😭keep praying!
Комментарий от : @PreciousPearlTraveller

Sopravvivere all'epidemia, Maometto, il Messaggero di Dio
Комментарий от : @hixhix4468

Coronavirus: dal castigo minore al castigo superiore, è sperabile che si ravvedano e tornino (a Dio) ..

Quel che vorrei concludere con questa mia affermazione è che la chiamata di Dio è presente in un versetto esplicito del suo Libro mentre predicava la propria punizione per malattia polmonare, a conferma della dichiarazione di Dio l'Onnipotente:

{O uomini, vi è giunto un ammonimento dal vostro Signore e una guarigione del male nascosto nei petti e una Retta guida e Misericordia per i credenti} Ha detto il vero, Dio il Magnifico [Sura Younus: Giona]

.. e questo è un sermone di punizione, un sermone per i timorati di Dio.

E so che questo è un gran castigo, sofferenza e panico per i popoli ed è sperabile che questi si pentano e serviranno Dio, l'Unico che non ha eguali, e si pentano dei peccati maggiori, dell'ingiustizia e dell'immoralità, di ciò che è manifesto e ciò che è nascosto, segretamente o palesemente, e si purifichino con abluzioni complete per adorare Dio, l'Unico che non ha eguali, e non invochino nessuno insieme con Dio. Abbiate cognizione della certezza che si tratta di un castigo universale invisibile, insidia di Dio, Uno e Sublime, e non è solo una pandemia come affermate, assolutamente no, e lo scoprirete, fuggite da (l castigo di) Dio a (lla misericordia di) Dio, in verità io ho per voi un chiaro ammonimento. E non chiudete le sue case per coloro che fuggono verso il loro Signore e per eseguire la preghiera rivolta al loro Signore, l'Unico che non ha eguali, luoghi di culto appartengono a Dio, non invocate nessuno insieme con Lui.
E chiunque entri nelle case di Dio per adorare il suo Signore è al sicuro dal virus soffocante e anche se entrano infetti coloro che scappano verso Dio, i giusti adoratori che pregano e hanno fiducia nel loro Signore non saranno colpiti (dal virus), quindi abbiate fiducia in Allah se siete credenti.

Imam Nasser Muhammad Al-Yamani

Комментарий от : @user-pi9tr3cb9s

Please join the meditation and pray youtu.be/xREizKNgp3M
Комментарий от : @TheJoker-yb1ud

I went to the hospital yesterday. I had better protective gear than all the nurses. And still I was afraid. I can't imagine how much fear and anxiety they must be dealing with.
Комментарий от : @paulozhan

Allah help all Mankind
Комментарий от : @nababiamissioneducationalw8951

The reporter himself is way better protected then the medical staffs there. Doctors, nurses and caregivers should have dressed like the reporter to protect themselves agaist the virus.
Комментарий от : @stephenchurchill682

Be realistic Don’t We need those doctors and nurses for the youngest.. don’t we need to spare their own life !? They are already exhausted and won’t be able to take care for more.. too much waste of energy and materials..
Комментарий от : @bo5139

Italians did not care about the virus at all. Once government restricted the Lombardy they panic. supermarkets , train stations , airports got crowded in a night. We are in 21st century and we are doing alot worse than pple in 100 y ago
Комментарий от : @abdolvakilfazli2488

God bless Lombardy and all of Italy for these tragic losses. A huge praise to doctor and nurses as well. Forza Italia. We ll get through
Комментарий от : @lifesupportr1576

This is just terrifying. I'm in the UK and fear this happening over the coming days/weeks,at the moment the death toll is under 1000.
I'm a key worker so I HAVE to go out to work- I still keep seeing people getting on the bus in a morning that clearly arent going to work and just feel like shaking them and asking why the hell they aren't staying at home on lockdown as per our governments advice! I know if I had the choice to stay at home and try to protect myself and my family from this killer virus than i would - They wouldn't need to tell me twice that's for sure,these fools going out are not only risking their own lives but everyone else's.

Комментарий от : @Katie-bt2nt

Profesional wet cupping therapy can definitely cure and prevent this disease. It has been scientifically proven to cure cases of cancer,viruses and many other diseases.
Комментарий от : @syedmuhammaddanielhassnain5990

I actualy cried whist watching this, those people are heros. I'm praying for all of Italy.
Комментарий от : @myaayed3736

God please have mercy upon us all from north east India
Комментарий от : @wallacesawkmie6430

god where r u save my friends plzzzzzzz
Комментарий от : @bhimanadhamsatyanarayana3657

yes medical staff real time heroes
Комментарий от : @bhimanadhamsatyanarayana3657

The doctors are the real heroes
Комментарий от : @devrajagrawal3970

Average age of COVID-19 death in Italy : 79.5 years.
Комментарий от : @mjoet731

Invented by Dr. Vladimir Zelenko (New York, USA) HYDROXYCHLOROCHINE + ZITROMAX antibiotic - 200 mg, 2 times a day, for 5 days. Azithrimycin 500 mg - 1 time per day, during - 5 days ZINC SULPHATE 220 mg - 1 time per day, for 5 days PLEASE SHARE THIS INFORMATION AT LEAST WITH 10 OWN FAMILIAR AND CLOSE !!! youtu.be/ZFsRgoPKMDw

Комментарий от : @SergeyXXITV

This happened because of not staying home. Prayers for Italy 🇮🇹
Комментарий от : @followthetruth6601

Комментарий от : @t.v.4551

Where are your Jesus Christ. I'm from India.
Комментарий от : @ajithkumar920

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