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I have night terrors, is there a sleep lab that can document it? I have sleep apnea and chronic pain. My sleep Dr said I should get back on vitamin D, lower my bed as close to the floor as possible and put a chain lock on my bedroom door. I don’t see how my dogs put up with sleeping with me. I can’t go camping, have grandkids spend the night, spend the night anywhere for fear of making everyone scared when they hear me scream. I am severely dehydrated at night and that makes me wake up all the time. Thank you for your videos. I hope to learn more.
Комментарий от : @MountainAirOrganicBeds

Thank you for the advice ☺️ have a wonderful day or a wonderful sleep 💤 blessings and positivity
Комментарий от : @goodvibezvideomashup

Thank you
Комментарий от : @MetalBum

Last night I had one and I remember standing staight up jn a deep sleep but I felt super weak and couldn’t control nothing in my body. I layed back down and woke up the next morning, I barely remember exactly what happened but I definitely felt like I stuns straight up for a second but just couldn’t stay standing
Комментарий от : @WukasWilliams210

Fuck I had one tonight. Been have since I was young. I have not been able to have a full sleep in since I was 16 i 30. I have sleep apnea and narcolepsy. Never been able to make those small tweaks work with any kind of my lifestyle oh help my disabilities in any way.
Комментарий от : @mackeym10

When I broke my back in 2009, i started sleep walking and doing all kinds of things. Id have horrible nightmares about my kids dying and these dreams are the absolute worse. But the sleep walking and night terrors is what worried me most.
Id wake up and jump soaking wet. My wife would freakout and sbe would try to calm me back down and tell me it was ok. Then the you add in sleep walking to the mix, then you havs to tell your doctor, right? Well thats what i did, we scheduled a doctors appointment.
I went in and his N/P is who saw me. She said that it wasnt anything to worry about and sent us on our way. About 3 days later, my doctor called me back in. He had been monitoring my case due to the pain meds i was on, making sure i wasnt abusing them.
I went in and we talked about what was happening and he said i know exactly what it is. I said really, your Nurse told me it was normal and go home. He said, yep and thags why i called you back in. Its my sleeping pills that was doing it. He had prescribed me Halcyon and this is one of the strongest sleeping pills out there. Some doctors havent even heard of this pill.
Halcyon is responsible for something that many people have joked about in time, i know i have. But it really wasnt anything to joke about. Postal Workers that went off the deepend and went to their place of work and killed their coworkers. This was called Going Postal. These pills that i thought were the best thing ever, werent. I called them 2 steppers. If you werent in bed before the 2nd step, you were going to sleep as you hit the floor. I loved them, i was staying up for 6 to 8 days at a time. I never could sleep.
I stayed on pain pills for 15yrs!!! It was one of the hardest things ive ever quit. It was my baby girl that was 15 months old that got me to quit. My wife went back to work and left her with me by myself. I was scared out of my mind. All the days i thought about doing something stupid to end my life, i thought about her. Who would take care of her?? Nobody can take care of my daughter better then me. So i had to be there and i took a ton of Tylenol and thats no lie.
Anyway before i get thrown into a mental hospital again, i think ill stop here. Take care and peace out. ✌️

Комментарий от : @jasonwebb1882

anyone else use to get a boulder chasing people getting closer and closer
Комментарий от : @darksnowman-sc3ni

My night terrors happend when I was really young I couldn’t sleep at night and every time my mom touched me I would scream and cry so mine were really bad once I did finally manage to wake up then I would eat frozen waffles and stay up with my mom and then during the day I would sleep since I couldn’t sleep at night
Комментарий от : @zoegeyer-sf5jq

I don’t know if anyone else has these…. I drink pretty frequently, and I sometimes have a “nightmare” that I’ve done something terrible, (unspecified) but I often wake up thinking that I’ve done something unforgivable, and this stays with me for an hour after waking. It is incredibly disturbing at the time. Do any of you experience the same ?
Комментарий от : @DrFrunJungler

Out of curiosity, how common is it for a child to remember some of their night terrors? I know kids usually don't remember, but the key word is "usually". I had them all the time ages 3 through 6 but only remember about half a dozen of them clearly, and another handful I remember vaguely. I remember being awake but not awake, looking at my bedroom seeing the walls and ceiling doing so awful, scary things and creepy crawlies everywhere, and my brain telling me my parents don't exist. One thing that surprises people is that night terror "dreams" are a thing, but they're not the movies in your head you may be thinking of. Night terror "dreams" involve stuff like suddenly realizing there is no universe, just you, and you're a one-dimensional line that stretches infinitely in both directions. Or some really abstract and terrifying image. It jolted me into the not-awake phase where I was screaming. I was told the episodes lasted about 20 minutes but sometimes it felt like they lasted eons. The kind of primal fear I felt was just something I can't even put into words. My brain was convinced that everything I was seeing and the "dream" preceding it was real.
Комментарий от : @ankharahallstrom1580

I have night terrors I can remember everyone very vividly. Each one is different except for I'm in a dangerous situation sometimes along with other people there with me. Sometimes I go to sleep while I'm sleeping and I know exactly what is going on and I know that I'm having the night terrors I know that I'm asleep and that I go to sleep while last night was a bad one. Like I said while it's happening I recognize that it's happening but there's nothing I can do about it until I wake up and then I wake up again it's very hard to explain . They are very vivid I can remember all of them just as I'm sitting right here. Like I said when it's happening I know it's happening in my sleep but there's nothing I can do about it until it's over . Sometimes when I wake up I think I see somebody standing there looking at me I get scared and throw a punch at it . I see it but nothing is there .
Комментарий от : @barryworkman3791

I NEED to know why my lucid dreams are so bad...
ive woke up soaked heart racing & terrified of not knowing if it was real or a dream...multiple times
I do have great ones but it doesn't out weigh the bad...
ive woke up terrified & tried to sleep again but the dream just continues where I left off..
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Комментарий от : @lottolinks6394

I was in a deep sleep no dreams and woke up screaming oh my god and felt a sheer overwhelming amount of fear
Комментарий от : @thekidthatanidiot1262

I commonly get night terrors and it causes my heart to race and everything feels REALLY REALLY REALLY REALLY FAST and when I look at stuff it looks very far away and I mostly need to talk to someone in my house to calm me down and slow me down.
Комментарий от : @Hoot_Da_Woot

What do you think is the meaning behind this dream I had which I found quite disturbing this morning. I woke up immediately and could remember every detail and could not get back to sleep.
I was in an unknown house celebrating an elementary school reunion with the shortest girls from my class. Even though I was 52 years old they were still short and about 8 years old as I remembered them. We posed for a reunion photo but I was wearing a hoodie and my face was mostly hidden for all the photos until the last photo I took the hoodie off. Then I said goodbye to some of the parents. I walked outside and on the corner 2 vicious dogs were in a fight. I wanted to scare them off so I ran towards them screaming hoping that would disperse them. But the one dog ran towards me jumped on me and knocked me down and ferociously bit my left cheek. There should have been mangled flesh and blood but I did notice anything. Instantly I was in a new scene visiting my sister Leslie and her husband Mike sitting on a couch at their place when they noticed the wound. But my cheek just was just severely bruised and dark grey in a bullseye circle shape with no actual wound from the bite. But they said i better get to a hospital immediately. Instantly i'm in a new scene where I am walking inside University Hospital but I say outloud I'm going to go to City Hospital which annoyed a nurse walking past me. All of a sudden a new scene I'm getting in an unknown car and my wife Valerie is on a bicycle (odd since she doesn't actually ride one in real life) and I say i'll meet you at home. I drive straight but she turns to the right. I go one block straight and then turn immediately down a back alley for no reason. Some men are standing in the alley and I cannot get by so I stop the car there and get out to walk carrying something heavy. The men say I really need to get help and that my lungs are probably full of blood. But there is never any vision of the massive mess of my face and never any blood in this dream. I put the heavy item down and ask them to take care of it. I start to walk further down the alley but I am getting weaker and finally collapse near the end of the alley. Since Valerie went a different way she will never know where I am and not find me in time. For I have now collapsed and died in the alley. (And now I wake up and that is the end of the dream!)

Комментарий от : @terryhoknescomicbookshisto6482

1 time my rain didn't we wake up and kicked Random air
Комментарий от : @tailormoreland9050

Комментарий от : @candacetalley9261

I’m 48 will be 49 next month. I haven’t had night terrors since I was very little. Last night I had a doozy. Woke my husband up with my screaming. It was so scary 😢
Комментарий от : @shannonmckenna7139

I don’t know if those were night terrors but I had them during attending college, early 20s.

In that time my sleep patterns were interrupted by studying late into mornings, so it may be trigger for experience I will write you now.

I grew up with a tinniest source of light shining during sleep, either coming from other room or window, or small lamp.

One night mom turned of light in room next to mine. I woke up in fear and panic, convinced I’m dying. I could barely see window in my room, but in different shape, much much bigger, like you turn down FOV in video games and everything is zoomed in. I was rushing to parents room screaming for help. The moment they answer me, I’m fully awake.

Series repeated every night, but now, from the first night terror, light was left on in the room next to mine. Since door knob was always broken, I couldn’t completely close the door and it was slightly opened, enough for thin beam of light to take my attention.

I would wake up, probably unconscious, but in sleeping position and staring at door ajar. I don’t know how long staring at door ajar lasts, but in one moment it starts to change it’s shape. That change in shape (it lengthens in a curved path 3 times it’s length)would induce unbelievable fear, making me jump of bed, rushing and yelling for moms or dads help. But this time everything is fading out with such a low FOV, with convinced subconscious I am dying.

The the fear of sleeping came. As soon as I would fell asleep my body would flinch like you wake up from falling feeling. I would wait for dawn and then would sleep 2-3 hours and steel jumping in the morning. Best score was when I woke up and sprinted outside screaming like 50 meters(around 150 feet) to the street. Lucky me, there were no vehicles passing by.

I refused going to therapist, because I thought it’s a shame asking for such a help. My mom desperately tried to convince me to see the doc, but I refused. Then she came to the idea. I don’t know how you call old ladies doing witchcraft, but mom called one.

The procedure was next: She’d warm small portion of lead in a spoon over a fire in old stove. Lead melts down and she sips that lead into the bowl of fresh water. Then she asked my name and mumbled few words. Lead in reaction with water took some shape with a lot of spikes. The more spikes the bigger fear is. She gasped how big spikes were and said something doesn’t give me a peace, but “it’s done by bad person” blah blah. I was laughing in skepticism thinking how crazy this women is.

Nevertheless, the night came, and I couldn’t believe, but fear was gone. Hallucinations remained, door ajar changed shape, windows too, but I was watching at it unconsciously with peace and some strange calmness, like I am in some state of nirvana. How scary first terrors were, these were 100 times more peaceful. This time it was beautiful. Windows I were watching was in shiny glossy pixels like disco ball. I would watch it and then fall asleep like a baby. Those hallucinations lasted few more days, and everything was gone.

The first morning after I normally slept came, I left wondering was it coincidence or that old lady with scarf really did something.

Комментарий от : @mrboleus8240

Just demolished my toe thrashing around and losing my shct. I was standing and still asleep. I was in complete shock and started going crazy. Now my toe and nail is broken and bleeding
Комментарий от : @yorii3083

I have night terrors and have had them my whole life. It started because of my abusive Narcissistic mother.
Life around her ia a hellish circus. I am temporarily living with her and my dad. I'm counting the days when I leave her lair.

Комментарий от : @123gozane

I go threw this when extra sleepy which is often.....
Комментарий от : @DonaldHendleyBklynvexRecords

My brother has this and yet he'll always deny it even though I'll be hearing him scream from my room
Комментарий от : @basicpersona8467

Question, i don't dream, unless i dream about whats going to happen . Also when i know something is gonna happen afttber my dream or before my stomach feels it. I also don't understand how i just know who it is thats trying to ether hurt me or good. Explain one dream. Im deep asleep and i began dreaming im in a home that i never seen before. The house is empty, but i hear my daughter in one of the rooms. The house is very bright, lots of natural light. I feel good and peaceful some how. I walked towards my daughter's voice. I see my daughter on my childhood bed that i gave to her passed on for a short time. She is playing, but she is in her twenties. She has scarf that she is playing with, giggling and laughing. I see this huge thick and long, shiny snake beside her. Like a friend. I said doll get away from that, she says no mommy its my friend . I said no, deep inside me, i knew it wasn't her friend. Next thing im literally in front of the bed but at the end of the bed. She keeps saying is my friend, laughing and giggling. I realize shis is playing with the tail of the snake, it looks as thick as an anaconda. All of the sudden i turn because the snakes head is right behind me. Its literally standing like a cobra ready to eat me, but it cant bite me, it cant tough me as much as is trying. Its eyes and mouth ar burn shut, but behind the burn, i can see its eyes moving. Like the burn was holding it back. It couldn't touch me, it was trying from side to side. I was scare, i was moving side to side going a bit backwards on the bed saying doll get out. I hear a voice somewhere at the entrance of the room. The voice is familiar, it is a pastor. My moms pastor, he said be careful is a serpent. It is not snake, he said the name of the snake. Thats when i woke up, i was sweating and i knew than, my daughters friend was about to be the worse nightmare of her life. He was the serpent, he couldn't tough me. I had to protect her. I called her and said you must get away from this man now. She didn't want to understand me even though hundreds of times she knew my gift. I call it a gift, i didn't for a long time, i use to hate going in the subways because i saw pictures in my head, i don't know how to explain them. It was sensory feelings to of people if they were good or evil. I was 13 the last time i went into a subway. Never again after my last incounter. When i saw pictures and the life of this man with children and how dirty he was. It traumatized me, i refused to go into a subway again. My mom couldn't understand why i would always freak out. My parents had to get a car because of that. So i was right about my daughter's friend right that day she said maybe your right mom. She began telling me things he did that made her Question his friendship. She had began trying to avoid him, but he wasn't allowing it. I didn't know till my dream. I said he will try to kill you, but he cant touch me. Is like i knew i was protected by god, i wasn't even religious but in my dream god was telling me some how in my heart to come towards him. It took 2 years of fighting for her life because she met a friend through a friend. She almost lost her life because he be came her stalker. This man end it in prison because of me, he was not able to hurt her and convince her to be his friend. So my question is how do you define dreams between regular dreams and nightmares, night terrors. Is it just the brain or is there mysterious forces playing a part?????????
Комментарий от : @rec.thecritic

I remember every single night terror I’ve ever had. I’ve tried to escape out of my room, I’ve woken up climbing out a window, etc. The night terror is either I think there is a spider on me, snakes in the room, or a banshee coming after me. Not sure how people forget night terrors, cause I’ve had a near heart attack every time
Комментарий от : @thorjoiner

When i get my night terrors im awake and i cant move my body. I feel like someone is in the room with me but i cant see amyone in my room. My eyes are open and I have to force my body

Комментарий от : @MrAdal206

Ez. Nightmares but scarier

Olso thanks idk this

Комментарий от : @Jawzeel

OMG, OMG, you are amazing. Everything that you are telling us is right on the dot. For the first time in 15 years, without any answers, now a doctor who understands . Ps thx u for sharing your knowledge with us. I wish you were my doctor.
Комментарий от : @honesttruth100

My favorite thing is things people dont want being the stuff they do as individuals saying they want, knowing they kill over it. Die on ultimate safety move, poof, but why cant i make sure.
Комментарий от : @ppestus7275

I am bipolar & have night terrors -it started when I was 30 years old. I aways see a a person coming right at me -man or woman, some times a group of people. I SCREAM so loud & try to fight the the intruder for a second. Oh man, My heart races. I see these people plain as day and think they are real. Thank God my husband is patient & pats me on the arm… sometimes he screams too.. poor guy jolted awake by me screaming! I am 59 now. I can usually go right back to sleep.

It happens more frequently during manic episodes. It’s just part of my life.

Комментарий от : @nancyp631

I had a night terror of playing games so much on my phone
Комментарий от : @Evos_TTrade3367

This is the best description of what happens to me
Комментарий от : @erynlewis1892

I got a nightterror today for the first time in the 20 years of my life.I was(still before watching this video)so confused and so horrified as I just moved to a new house today 24 hours without sleeping some anxiety and feeling cold..with fully loaded belly in water..I goes to sleep for a deep mindfreshing sleep but after 3 hours I just woke up in the middle of a dream..I just became horrified and screaming and running until I saw my friend whom is were in another room..I was so confused that I didn’t see a bad dream still I suddenly woke up and Screamed loudly as loudly as never before in my entire life..I really thought I maybe experienced a paranormal activity thats I screamed maybe..but now I watched your video now I am so much reliefed that its not some paranormal things that caused me screaming it was a night terror cause I didnt slept for 24 hours and when I goes to sleep I were in deep sleep with sweet dreams but because of my isomia problem(I got this problem)I couldn’t breath properly thats why suddenly I woked my in the middle of my dream in a deep sleep and that made me confused as I were in a dark room with no one beside me thats why I screamed and ran.Ah I am so thankful to you for this helpful explanation..Now I am starting to get normal again and relif
Комментарий от : @AsifRahman-777

It reminds me of when someone having a vision with eyes shut but a wake & not aloud to open their eyes till it all shown the future terrors to come soon . But open eyes visions is when can hear a harp & Jesus Christ says to feel the sounds of the harp to know what it is trying to say to you so do so then see a vision terror of what is to come soon . People know what those two are by heart that they are visions especially when Jesus Christ are in the vision´s . Are they trying to say it is the same thing or no so what is the difference ?. Then there are bad angels who also show vision´s to people when eyes are shut & can´t open them till all shown first as well . But it´s all depressing stuff if it´s the future stuff , but about demon´s in vision´s trying to have people hate those the people love by having the relatives that are really demons shape shifter to them in the dream vision´s so will be in rage , but wake up knowing it was never them & knowing never happened , but the demon´s want people to think that is their hearts of the relatives & might be that way one day , I´m guessing . So I guess this is all different then ¨ Night Terrors ¨ ?.
Комментарий от : @karlaug4450

I had one last night. The neighbors called the sheriffs office. They said it sounded like someone was stabbing me to death and i was trying to fight. I felt like just before I woke up I was screaming in a dream but it only felt like half a second. I don't know why I was screaming. It felt very familiar in experience like dejavu. It was embarrassing having 2 deputies looking for a victim in my apartment at 0100hrs. One of them told me to look up night terrors. Here I am.
Комментарий от : @GTFBITK

Blood sugar may also affect this I've heard?
Комментарий от : @revolutionunderground

I had a dream where a demon was Lifting out of my bed by my throat and I was kicking it and I was the most solid object ever felt kicking a cinder block wall really hard then it threw me out of my window and it murdered my whole family😅
Комментарий от : @subraru2723

Our 2nd boy had these pretty bad when he was2 and 3 but has grown out of them. We kind of knew you weren't supposed to wake people up in them but it's almost impossible to just let a lil baby scream and be terrified without trying to calm him.
Комментарий от : @darkwoods7

Try dealing with both. What are nightmares while you are awake, associated with ptsd.
Комментарий от : @daviddiehl-gy2sq

I have the same dream on a regular basis well it's not the exact same but it always ends the same sometimes every night it will will be awhile it starts I'm out walking around location is not the same but it always ends with me sitting at a table I put head down on the table then I can't pull my head off the table no matter how hard I try then I start to panic then I wake up I don't know what triggers it but it has become annoying sometimes I know I'm dreaming so I just relax stop trying to get up that helps some times it's become more annoying then scary sometimes I know I'm dreaming but I still panic until I wake up not sure if brain got some underlying issues or what , the worst one was also scary and funny after I woke up I was being chased by the t Rex From Jurassic park I couldn't shoot it the bullets just bounced off and eventually I sit at a table that just appeared out no were in the forest I lay my head down now stuck and the dinosaur coming at me Im trying get up but can't then it just stopped I woke up , that's only one that has been a crazy situation mostly just me walking around or out and about in town and or wherever but I find a table sit down and it happens again, I work night shift I'm sure that has some affect on my sleep patterns but I been night shift for 10 15 years now I don't think your body and mind ever fully adapt to it not sure what triggers it seems to happen out of blue I'm not dealing with anything or stressed out just sort of happens, some time I will have this back to back days sometimes a week , it gets to the point I'm dreading falling asleep no matter how tired I'm scary weird and annoying at the same time
Комментарий от : @evilangel8194

Why do I get insane nightmares but I have only slept 20 minuts? They apperently start the second I fall a sleep :(
Комментарий от : @maltezz

This woman has clearly never had a night terror. There's most definitely a dream but it's very, very really. There is something that is about to kill you, something very sinister and you react physically. I generally scream like a banshee until I wake myself up or my husband tells me I'm dreaming. I have been known to leap out of bed in attack mode. I always have them after the first 30 minutes of falling asleep.
Комментарий от : @sarahwagland1559

I really like your suggestion on avoiding drinking water or liquids before bed. I tend to get up during the night because I have a sensitive bladder. I got a lot of night terrors usually around 330 am. I also have problems going to sleep it takes me one to two hours. I lay there with my eyes closed waiting. I noticed the the more tired I am before bed the longer it takes to go to sleep. It's because the more tired I am the faster I fall asleep my body panics and wakes me up. Maybe my body is confused and thinks it's dying idk. I'm working on it though.
Комментарий от : @susanf1566

I had a night terror today. I'm 17, and this is the first time I ever had it. Is it possibly a one time thing? Or is this something that i might have to live with forever.
Комментарий от : @Amanda0xx0x

When I was a kid my mom would have sleep terrors when I came into my parents room to use their bathroom.

My mom would either sit up right or start reaching. Then she'd call or yell out for her mom, sometimes frantically sometimes just really sadly.

I got used to it in my late teens and early twenties but it would freak me out to see her talking to my dead grandmother.

Комментарий от : @shadowsta9

When you have nightmares it means you are still alive and fighting but when you start to have nice dreams you should begin to worry.
Комментарий от : @TasmanianTigerGrrr

Everyone hates me because of my gay sounding night terrors. What can be done?
Комментарий от : @Enemiesexposed

I have night terrors at least once or twice per year. 3 days ago during the blood moon I woke up screaming and jumping out of the bed crying. My mom said that I kept saying they took everything they took everything.

This occurred right before the C19 outbreak. It was terrifying.

Комментарий от : @ThatGurlRiRi77

Your face gives me a night terror
Комментарий от : @rblxscripts6844

Fuck, think I need some help
Комментарий от : @cosmok7758

I always have mixed episodes of nightmares and night terrors. Wake up screaming sweating or many times my charger cord is wrapped around my neck etc.
Комментарий от : @06lilweezy1991

I have both nightmares and night terrors. I'm here because I keep screaming in my sleep. I scream for a few hours and it's embarrassing.
Комментарий от : @darblanchard3968

What is you have both ? I never have good dreams just nightmares since I can remember and I wake you with panic attacks and used to sleepover as a kid. I have to work out right before bed so get a little bit of sleep so I don't have panic attacks every night just every other night
Комментарий от : @diegop2311

Last night my husband woke up screaming and I started screaming and crying too since I did not understand what was going on. It made everything worse
Комментарий от : @User45781

Thank you so much now I know what night tears are
Комментарий от : @jasondao4928

I have night terrors😔 I wake up screaming and running out of my room almost every night
Комментарий от : @noremaria7617

I hate night terrors one time I was dreaming and freaked out and attacked my window and it cut me so when I woke up too blood I freaked out such crazy stuff I hate it all lol
Комментарий от : @SlashinAces

No cheese or eggs in the evening was my fix 🙂
Комментарий от : @djok5194

Sounds like your talking about PTSD when sleeping
Комментарий от : @jaybond9386

Комментарий от : @youooor1508

2:46. Imma 3percenter
Комментарий от : @youooor1508

Thanks for the vid, 😊I've been struggling with sleep, it's almost as if I am afaud of sleeping, and I don't know why😢I've been struggling with this for years and I don't know what to do
Комментарий от : @ropafadzohove1

I've been having what I call night terrors since childhood. They seem to be triggered when I sleep in a very dark room. I become semi conscious. I usually start fighting the sheet that I believe is over my face. I've also been known to get up and try and find my way out of the room. I was a prolific sleep walker as a child and occasionally I sleep walk as an adult. I have walked outside in the dead of night, raided the biscuit barrel and taken all the bedding onto the landing and made a tent.
The difference between the two is, when I have a night terror, my heart is racing at a hundred miles an hour. In a night terror I think I'm fighting for my life. my husband knows to turn a light on because that brings me straight out of it.

Комментарий от : @janmariablackwell8138

I had night terrors a few times in Iraq, both of my tours. The one I recall the most vividly is after my first mission my first tour in Baghdad. The MRAP behind the one I was in got hit by an EFP and went up in a huge ball of fire. Thank god everyone inside was okay and got out, but as I sent in the MRAP in front and looked back I just saw through my NODS this huge armored vehicle engulfed in flames and at the time I thought they were certainly all burning alive inside. I had never been in an MRAP, and I did not know how to drop the ramp in the one I was in, so I was scared because I did not know how to get out. When we got back to the COP after that mission when I finally got to rack out, I had a dream that I was in the back of the MRAP but it was mine that get hit and I was burning alive and did not know how to get out, I woke up jerking myself awake and my heart was racing. My worst dreams though in Iraq, and still now are of me dieing but seeing my family mourn for me, like I was feeling their pain. It was not scary about it happening to me so much anymore like I had accepted it(this does not mean i was not scared, i was scared), but it was about what it would do to them. I also would have these weird day dreams riding in the back of an MRAP or HMMWV or Brad waiting to dismount. I would imagine what it would be like if we got hit with an EFP and if time would slow down and I would see this molten stream of copper coming at me in super slow motion until it blew through me.
Комментарий от : @hawkinatorgamer9725

I had extreme night terrors when I was a child but I would only have them when I had a fever. They were so bad that my 2 brothers, my sister, my dad, and my mom all had to work together to restrain me. I only remember bits and pieces from each episode but my family told me that I always thought everyone was trying to kill me so my little child body was pumped so full of adrenaline from self-preservation that even with them all working together they were barely able to handle me. My dad was a pretty big dude (6'2" 260 lbs) and he once told me that he was genuinely scared of me (age 5ish) when I would have these night terrors because of the unnatural strength I had from my body going into full self-preservation. Anyways, I don't remember the night terrors but I definitely remember the two years of doctor visits and endless cat scans trying to figure out what was wrong with me. I still get them even today (age 35) when I get a fever but they aren't dangerous to anyone around me like they once were.
Комментарий от : @dustinbiester4401

Night terrors seem to run in my family. My mom would bolt upright in bed and say "What?" in a panic over and over until she laid back to sleep...and never remembered the episodes. My husband tells me I do the same thing almost nightly. In adolescence it was the worst for me; I would wake up on the floor realizing I was gasping for air out of panic, but was confused why I felt so scared for no reason. I also experienced intense nightmares during that time, so I have personal experience how nightmares and night terrors are certainly not the same thing.
Комментарий от : @lovelyperson9

I get night terrors alot. Have been having them for several years.
Комментарий от : @samanthatewalt5854

How dose sleep paralysis play into night terrors I expense them together and im wonder about your thoughts on this.
Комментарий от : @ArtWitchy

I just ran across you on YouTube. I wish I could find a psychiatric MD like you.
Комментарий от : @violetangelflame1

I had my first night terror a couple of nights ago and that is something I never want to experience again.
Комментарий от : @wilburDDPpowell

Alcohol yes I drink 2 nights ago and last night I had night terror, not drinking alcohol again
Комментарий от : @nedmccann5381

I have this thing were in day and I act normal but when night time I start seeing creepy things, and it basically takes me a long time to sleep and I become VERY VERY scared I basically think that every shadow is a ghost or I feel like somebody is trying to kill me and I basically start running
Do you know what it's called or figure out

Комментарий от : @KHTHOBBYHORSING

How do I get rid of them? I have them nightly.
Комментарий от : @xxturd_burglar3138

I was told by my old therapist in my early 20s that the reason for my night terrors as a child were due to "being molested". I was never molested but she was so persistent about it and it really screwed me up for a while. Thank you for sharing actual information thats correct!!
Комментарий от : @nickyv3569

Wtf I wanted to wach nightmares fnaf vs but do you know about my little nightmares
Комментарий от : @jaredbrannon1601

I always wake myself up hitting a pillow and or a windowsill and end up with bloody knuckles. I wake up swearing or told i was swearing and don't even know i did. Last week i must have bolted out of bed while sleeping as i hit a corner of the drywall right on the edge and ended up going to the E.R room and getting 9 stitches in my forehead at 1am. I never drink any alcohol nor take any drugs other than what is prescribed by a Doctor. I just padded every corner including shelves in my room as this us getting out of hand. Between being in the Marine corps and having an abusive father that used a belt on me for weekly entertainment has come back to haunt me and i have no control over my mind and body once i go to bed. I wish i could resolve my problems but fear i will have to live with this forever. 🤬
Комментарий от : @critterallywithjohnernest.

I know u saying
Комментарий от : @dawnblackman919

The night terrors I have always are some evil spirit standing over me and doing stuff and I try to scream because I’m scared and I sometimes realize I’m sleeping so I scream also to wake myself up or get someone to hear me and wake me up. I get so scared I almost feel like I could have a heart attack. I totally disagree with the advice to leave someone alone when they are in terror and need to wake up. I really have a hard time waking up from the nightmare, it feels so real. My sister has seen me sometimes and woken me up. She says my eyes are open. Just please wake the person up gently but quickly. It doesn’t stop on it’s own. I’ve had night terrors as a child also. Thank God I don’t sleepwalk as an adult but my mom said I used to as a child. I do read the Bible and pray but this thing still plagued me. I guess I should be thankful it doesn’t happen every single night.
Комментарий от : @mango-peaches

Ever heard of this issue? Since 2017 - it comes and goes - I wake up in the night 100% convinced that i have forgotten something or lost something really important.
Over the years it has varied – to begin with I would wake up in a panic thinking I hadn’t taken important medication until i remembered i don’’t have any medication to take! Lately it’s been really bad and most times the scenario is that I have forgotten to take care of an important work task or have lost some important files – i wake up feeling panicked and sometimes swearing or saying “oh no” out loud but can’t for the life of me think of a single important task i was meant to do. It takes a few seconds for me to realise the task doesn’t exist but it feels so real at the time. I’m sure it’s underlying anxiety and stress but have no idea how to stop this habit. It’s NOT a dream. I still have dreams but these are different. I am wide awake when it happens and it’s like I’m instantly awake, imagining that I’ve forgotten something important.

Комментарий от : @marshaalison1569

I have woken up and my sheets have been drenched in sweat 😓 I have woken up not being able to breathe, I been dealing with a stressful situations.
Комментарий от : @lrowerowe7207

Nope i get night terrors right in the middle of sleep and the crazy part is im wide awake and im completely awake but half my brain is still playing a dream and im in sleep paralysis state so i cant move but im wide aware that i cant...so i flounder around like a fish flopping around trying to wake my body up...while still dreaming and wide awake at the same time...i get these usually when im sleep deprived...and remember the experiences..and eventually my body wakes up but and i stumble around trying to regain my senses....
Комментарий от : @rebelangel8227

Any videos about sleep paralysis?
Комментарий от : @Avilounge222

This has been happening to me for a couple of weeks. I’m jolted awake and my heart is pounding. I really need to figure out how to fix this.
Комментарий от : @angelamallory5769

My night terrors mostly come along with nightmares and they are usually the same type. It is the image of someone standing besides my bed in the dark, or falling into my bed and then I simply literally run away. Like, I run so fast I could compete with Usain Bolt. All this while screaming. After a while, I started noticing early when it happens cause I got used to it, but I still worry about my heart cause it spikes like crazy.
Комментарий от : @futurehofer1564

Nice movie. However, it is worth reaching for oils from Weedborn.
Комментарий от : @shantelleadeline6053

Unfortunately some may remember some night terrors. They’re probably dreams of near death stuff?
Комментарий от : @doublec3

I hate my night terrors because I'm the only person I know that has them happen like this, I'll "wake up" and then I'll scream for no apparent reason but then I'll be grabbed by this thing that shakes my body and just screams at me. I normally wake up after this and don't go to sleep for the rest of the night. Idk if this is night terrors or like sleep paralysis.
Комментарий от : @Handyman-fw8ul

I would have them - as a child - in the 1970s - when there wasn't a term for this. I wondered at times if something was truly wrong with me. I explained it as sleep walking with nightmares! I would get up and run thru the house. Sometimes I even went outside! I would be violent at times. Haven't had one in years.
Комментарий от : @kdhovis8665

I thought its a demon...
Комментарий от : @neriTV13

How to tell the difference between a mere nightmare and a night terror? If you experience a night terror, you are not going to have any problem making that distinction.
Комментарий от : @KuttyJoe

Had them all my life then I got my gall bladder removed and almost disappeared . Before that I could reduce episodes by a non fatty diet weird I know . I have had panic attacks and anxiety disorder my whole life so I'm sure that is a factor also.
Комментарий от : @xslaughter8927

I’m glad this clears things up, because I told this to my parents and they just laughed at me when I told them that last night I woke up trying to defend myself against a dark figure that wasn’t there while trying to turn on my lamp, hurting my leg in the process which I don’t remember doing, and then still freaked out I searched my room to make sure no one was there. I suspect it was maybe a first night terror but I’m not sure what triggered it. My dad coughed it up as a normal nightmare or a rare dream event. But I was still paranoid for like 10-15mins afterwards trying to calm myself down before falling back asleep eventually.
Комментарий от : @mystic8raven51

I can’t find ANYTHING about my ptsd sleeping problems, all I can find is thumbnails of people mocking my sleep terrors, and it’s all from people who have no idea what they’re talking abiut
Комментарий от : @jaimematon4785

I often tended to have very bad nightmares that I remember, but I would wake myself up screaming out loud from it like a night terror. Sometimes I'd been kicking the hell out of the wall next to my bed from them. What do you call those?
Комментарий от : @TheMarrification

Thank you for explaining this Dr Marks! Depending on how bad my night terror is I wake up with temporary loss! What causes this??? It is scary as hell.
Комментарий от : @phil4818

I’m always screaming in my sleep and jolting awake screaming or crying , thrashing around. I also sleep walk. I’ve had it my whole life also got worse when I developed ptsd from traumatic events it can last for quite awhile
Комментарий от : @psychedlicsouljam1995

One time i woke up from a dream where i got taken advantage of and i was like "damn how am i gonna live like this" and it took me like 6 mins to figure out that it was fake

I've also been having dreams where i check my phone or do something on my phone and i wake up and it wasnt real and i get confused

Комментарий от : @megahomo8275

Truth is this is a supernatural spiritual realm more is unseen than seen these are psychic attacks because you have a gap in your auric field I don't buy none of this scientific mumbo jumbo...science was invented to disprove we have a creator... religion is the devil anyone who follows religion is worshipping satan ....god is not attached to anything...once you separate god from religion then you will get somewhere instead of going round in circles....
Комментарий от : @keithburgess1567

I wake up with night terrors multiple times a night.. it is literally a living nightmare 😓
it's absolutely horrible and has been happening for YEARS.. I know it's my subconscious mind causing it 😞
I will wake up out of a deep sleep for no reason and will just shake from the inside out. it will last usually between 10 and 20 minutes, my heart feels like it's pounding out of my chest and I feel "pulsating" veins in my head.. it's awful.

Комментарий от : @merncat3384

I have mad waking nightmares... Full blown hallucinations... And it's worse than anything you'd see in resident evil...
Комментарий от : @troyhayder6986

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